Thursday, November 11, 2010


I'm Baaaaack!

It's been a very, very depressing past month. But thankfully, I am officially gainfully employed once more as of tomorrow when I sign all my paperwork. Hooray! And I can't stress that last bit enough.

I've had a huge hit on my psyche due to losing my job, and I had a feeling I'd regain my sanity once I had another boost of employment come my way. I hope to return to writing soon, although my energy will now be put forth in to learning my new job.

I am returning to the movie theater business. No, not to Dickinson, who I was with for a very, very long time. I am now joining the Harkins Theater Group, one of the largest chains in Arizona. The Superstition Springs 25 plex--bigger than the 14 plex I dealt with before, one of the original buildings built back in 97, I believe.

I get to make popcorn and deal with customers again. *waits with baited breath* I will complain, inevitably, but right now I'm am so relieved to be getting back to work. It's been 3 years since I worked a theater; not a horribly long time, but this place is much more professionally run, so I have a lot to live up to.

Wish me luck on this new endeavor, and also to get back to my writing.

FYI, I will continue to sell the items I've listed, though I will probably start posting some on Amazon and eBay.

Have a fabulous day! I rejoin the theater just in time for Harry Potter and the Holiday Season. Oh, crap.


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