Monday, September 20, 2010

Monday, Monday

Here we go again: a whole other week in the making.

Good? Bad? I don't know. Monday has such bad press, and I wonder why Sunday doesn't. Sunday should have equally bad press as it is the opening act for Monday. In fact, it should have more, as it lulls us into a false sense of security and relaxation only to wax away too soon to reveal the horror! of Monday and all the madness contained therein.

Bad Sunday. You make us believe you are a restful day, when in fact you are diabolically plotting our heinous return to the workforce.

Unless you don't work Mondays, or you have a schedule other than the traditional Monday through Friday.


ANYWAY. My son is ridiculously excited about going back to Las Vegas to see his cousins. For the past week, he's been asking to go see them. Gah! Let Friday come already, and then we can be on our way!

I'm anxious and excited about signing in Las Vegas. And I feel, more so than ever, so very grateful for Borders for letting me hop around and do these signings. I know that it wouldn't be quite so easy if I didn't work for them; then again, maybe it would. Point being, I have some great memories already from the people I've met and the stores I've visited. I LOVE meeting the young writers, the older crowd who think they've missed their chance then think they'll give it a shot because I'm doing what I love. It's very heart-warming.

Well, off to rinse off the hair dye and get ready for the day.

Have a fabulous day, all!


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