Thursday, March 31, 2011

Networking, Coffee, and Decaf

Good morning, world!

That would be my sleep-deprived, overly chipper self, here. Got about four hours of sleep last night, and killing time till I get to go speak with a man from Aflac. Yes, you heard me right: Aflac. And no, it's not about me buying insurance, it's about me selling.


Yeah, I know, pretty weird. Well, I need more income, so I'm checking it out. On the bright side, I'm enjoying a delicious cup of Seattles Best Coffee with one small container of half and half, and one small irish cremer. Just made my day.

No, not decaf. Are you insane???

I wanted to give a shout out to a good friend of mine. Can't remember if I did it already or not, but I will do it again! Michele Briere, wonderful lady that she is, recently published her first e-book called In Plain Sight.

I'm giving you a heads up about it today, and then I'm going to do a full review on it in a day or so. I was actually privileged enough to read the first draft... or whatever draft number it was. Anyway, I got to read it before you could buy it, and that's always exciting.

Michele is a very talented writer, and she's created a very unique universe with her story. The most intriguing aspect is, like any really good work of fiction, it leaves you wondering how much could be real. A blend of science fiction, mythology, real life, magic, and action, In Plain Sight is the first in a trilogy, I believe.

Check it out here:

Naturally, it's also for Nook:

So go check it out, and then tune back in for my review.

Three cheers for first time writers!

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Ain't, Shan't and Won't

I don't know: it sounded good at the time!

Well, I ain't going to make too much of it. I shan't waste too much of your time. I won't make things boring!

So last week was my book event, and thanks go out to Donovan and Adam Montierth--and Jason!--for having me at the Book Rack. It's their family store, and it's one of the cutest little places I've ever had the pleasure of being in. A real personalized touch that can be felt the moment you walk in the door, the Book Rack has become one of my new favorite places. So if you're ever in the West Valley, head down to Signal Butte and the US-60, and go visit the Book Rack.

The guys were awesome and gave me a great display table, and out front was a big sign "Come meet Margaret Mater!" That was a first, and really cool to boot. I loved the area, and it was a great time. See below!

Since the event was a weekday, and just after spring break, the timing probably could have been better. But on the plus side, I got to talk to a few new people, including the guys at the store, and it was a very pleasant afternoon.

I'm also please to say they've invited me back for a second chance: Wednesday, April 20th, 2011, at 1:00 p.m. That's right, all, I will be back, and you WILL come out! Come on: a super bookstore, lovely weather, and me, your friendly literary guide. Mark your calenders and come on out!

In other news, I've been too distracted by the gorgeous weather around these parts to make much use of my brain. In other words, I've been putting off writing again. Bah! Well, that, and the stress has been getting to me.

But no more!

Things are going to change, and I will move forward: in life, writing, and the pursuit of merchandising.

That's all for now. Ta, loves!

But before I go, I will leave you with a little picture, just because I can:

*Don't sue me; it's not mine.

Monday, March 7, 2011

New Book Event!

Wow, it feels like it's been forever. I keep day dreaming about going back to Disneyland, and remembering all the fabulous things we did there, like eating at the Blue Bayou restaurant inside the Pirates of the Caribbean ride. And getting Cirdan his first Mickey Mouse ice cream sandwich, then Mickey waffles. Going broke and trying to figure out how to get through the rest of the trip. (Lucky for us, payday hit while we were there.)

The funny thing is we hit all sorts of weather in California. For Wednesday and Thursday, it was off and on cloudy. Friday started okay but ended in pouring rain so we had to abandon the big Fantasmic show we were going to see. Boo. On Saturday, the wind coming off the ocean was freezing. And as we moved, we hit more rain. Then leaving Nevada after dropping my sister off, we hit more rain. Then sleet. And then snow. Yes, snow. All the way into Arizona. Crickey!

False advertising, California! You were neither totally sunny nor warm! *shakes fist*

Oh, and Cirdan lost a tooth the last day we were in California. Yup, woke up on Saturday morning and we were playing around, and one of Cirdan's bottom teeth came out. The day before we left for Vegas, one of his bottom teeth came out. So now he's got this adorable, gaping smile.

The beach... God, what a time. I LOVE the ocean. I love the smell of salt in the air. I love the sound of the waves crashing on the sand. I love finding seashells. And I HATE how bloody cold the wind is coming off the ocean! Yeah, it was cold. But we ate at a great seaside diner called Ruby's, and saw dolphins in the water. How cool is that? Cirdan got into picking up seashells, but he didn't care for the water. Mary and I took off our shoes and waded on in. Not too bad, and I couldn't pass up the opportunity to wade into the ocean.

This was the first time that my husband and son have seen the ocean. It was momentous, and wonderful.

Speaking of momentous and wonderful... I have my first NON-Borders book signing! (Good thing too, the way things are.) Yes, my friends, I will be hosting a new event at THE BOOK RACK in Mesa, AZ. "What Might Have Been" is still making the rounds, and, thanks to one of my fab co-workers Mr. Don Montierth, I shall be once more scribbling in books and chattering on about Tombstone. Faboo!

Ah, see how much I've grown up?

So, here's the important stuff:

1752 S. Signal Butte Road
Suite #108
Mesa, AZ 85209

Wednesday, March 23 1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.

Kind of an odd time, I know, but still. So if anyone in the area can make it, come on out and have a chat with me! I'd love to see you!