Saturday, August 28, 2010

These are a few of my favorite things

In light of how freaking stressful the past week has been, I'm going to try to remind myself of some of the great things in this world. To get past the stress, there are some things that can help.

1. good books
2. good times with friends
3. my son Cirdan
4. my hubby Chris (when he's not giving me stress--love you, hon!)
5. chocolate
6. Ashley, Sam, Jennie, Vanessa Y, Vanessa C, Tom, Kara, Neda, Mary, Keith, Alex, Alison...
7. Goddess and God, and all their fellows: when I talk, I know they listen
8. really good sushi
9. baking with my son
10. movies: X-Men, Lord of the Rings, Sabrina, Sliding Doors, Resident Evil, Free Enterprise, Star Trek: First Contact, Star Trek: the Undiscovered Country, Star Wars Episode 3, Clerks 2, Chasing Amy, Mists of Avalon, Indiana Jones, Spaceballs, Harry Potter, X-Files: Fight the Future
11. books: Obsidian Butterfly, Doc Holliday's Woman, X-Files: Skin, The Madness of Lord Ian Mackenzie, Stormwalker, Spike and Dru: Pretty Maids all in a Row, Dark Mirror, The Trials of Tiffany Trott, Jurassic Park, Carpe Demon, I'm the Vampire That's Why
12. my lady Sekhmet: protector of our family and all-around badass
13. favorite kids show: Garfield, Backyardigans
14. watching the clouds build and the storms roll in
15. good fan fiction
16. walking
17. a nice, warm bed and soft pillows
18. spending time with my nieces and nephew
19. really good incense
20. remembering the thrill of holding my book in my hands for the first time
21. really good sex
22. knowing that someone will look at me and tell me it's going to be okay
23. warm sake
24. take-out from the Red Dragon chinese restaurant
25. the smell of rain in the desert

Ahh. Feeling better now. Of course there are other things, but I have to stop at some point.

So, what are some of YOUR favorite things?

Sunday, August 22, 2010

And on the other side of the galaxy...

I'm ridiculously hyped because Phoenix Comicon is asking for suggestions for guests for next year's con. Not exactly on the topic of writing, but we'll get there. I had SO much fun at my first con out here, although I know that a babysitter is a must at some point. Friday night and Saturday night are ridiculously crammed full of activities. And there is always just enough entertainment in watching those around you.

The family and myself are pondering dressing up for next year's gala. *ponders* Will it happen? If it does, who should we be? Questions to be answered later, I suppose.

On another note, I'm currently reading Jennifer Ashley's "The Madness of Lord Ian Mackenzie." It's intriguing on a lot of levels. For one thing, her writing style is incredible. It flows so well. I look at her writing style, and weep for my own. How can I possibly compete against such fabulous writers?

'It's not a contest!'

Ah, but it is. A sales contest. A contest to be read and make sales and acquire publicity and devotion.

Seriously. I love her writing style, and it makes me question my own. However, and I bear this in mind, I'm comparing one of her historical romances to my contemporary. Obviously it's a different set of linguistics, style structure, and product. Still, it's a fabulous thing. I rarely get intrigued just by a writer's style. Usually, I'm intrigued by the plot and it reads well enough that it flies by naturally. Then there are moments like now, when I am intrigued by the story but also by the structure.

Do you ever have any books that stop you in your tracks? Ever stopped reading one day to realize, 'wow, this is incredible writing'?



Thursday, August 12, 2010


That's what I keep telling myself. Sometimes the days are going so well and then one moment makes it all break apart. Nothing drastic, but enough to get you from a reasonable mood to unbearably ticked off. It makes it that much harder to get back into a healthier space, not to mention a better creative space. It makes me sad to know there are just some people out there who do not have the same comprehension of basic principles--like responsibility, civility, and dedication.

But, I suppose that's nothing new.

On that note, I am pleased to say I am taking a mini-break. We are heading to the bright lights of Las Vegas tomorrow to go visit my lovely sister and her family. I hope to come back refreshed and ready to start again. Of course, 36 hours (roughly) isn't exactly the equivalent of a two week excursion to the Bahamas, but I'll take it.

On a happy note, I've been writing again. There's still a lot of road left to travel, but I'm working on it. I had a scene hit me at work today, which I penned on my lunch break.

Eventually, I will finish this book. And then... the real hard work begins.

So to help keep me going, and to give you guys something to enjoy, I shall give one for the guys, and one for the gals. And what the heck, I found an extra one. I'm loving me some Duchovny, leave me alone. If you don't know the other guy, then for crying out loud, go and rent some Joss Whedon shows. I love the subtle Eliza as well; the over-made up Faith was always a bit too much.

Enjoy, as I tear tracks for Vegas!



Monday, August 9, 2010

Reading and Writing and Inspiration

G'day, all!

I'm in the middle of a breakdown. I'm trying to work on my new novel, but the inspiration is just gone. And it's difficult, especially since I want to get the first draft done by the end of the month. I find it completely difficult to get going, to get sorted through the story. And this, I note, is a problem I have ALL the TIME. I start writing, am excited, and then one day... POP! A switch gets thrown, and I can't get through it.


SO. As I struggle to get back on track, (and having just finished re-reading the entire Harry Potter series), I'm trying to remember all the great things that inspire me. Music, eye candy, plot devices... Does listening to music enough eventually throw you out of the writing mood altogether, or does it continuously help?

I don't know. I think I'm just a slacker sometimes.

Well, in the meantime, here's some eye candy.

Monday, August 2, 2010

Tucson leads to Tombstone

'Ello, all!

So it's a little late, but it's been a long weekend. On Saturday I was in Tucson at Borders on Broadway. Heck of a place, and busy as all get out! Part of a mall, so that explains it. Of course my hubby and son came along.

I had a little corner table, and managed to talk to quite a few nice people. It's great. Every time I go out, I meet so many people who tell me they are writing, or have tried to write, and never had the persistence to go through with it, or, as one lady told me, "I want to be where you are." It was nice, because I've felt that way for so long. And as I laughingly told her, I want to be where someone like Nora Roberts or Jennifer Ashley is at--loads of books out there and lots of opportunity, no matter how much work it is!

Another great thing I've experienced is that people are actually very impressed when you mention it's your first book. There's a look of disbelief, and they are automatically more disposed to listen to what you have to say. Sometimes they decide to pick up the book, sometimes it's just to hear how you got started, and sometimes they walk away. But there's so much positivity out there, and it's great. Doing these book signings has been a great experience for me, and I'm constantly learning. I know I can't be the shy wallflower; I have to approach and advertise my book. It is an effort.

Now that I've finished for now--and much thanks to Colleen, the GM, and Ramona, the sales manager whom I've been in contact with for over a month--thanks guys!--now it's on to working on the next book. I want to finish it up and get it out there so hopefully I can get a real agent and real contract. We shall see.

Hope springs eternal, right?

In the meantime, thanks so much to all the Borders I've visited, all the GMs and sales managers and wonderful people I've visited. Much love and luck to all the other aspiring authors.

Till later!
